Whites - Albarino

Paco & Lola "Ophalum" Albarino 2021

Where - Rias Baixas, Spain
What - Albarino
Body - Light
Style - Smashable

Paco and Lola, a renowned 'co-operativo' in Rías Baixas, produces Spain's finest Albariño, a white wine perfect for seafood.

Located in the Salnés Valley sub-region, Paco and Lola represents over 400 small growers, each with an average vineyard holding of just over half a hectare. They embody the agricultural tradition of Rías Baixas, where households grew their own vegetables, raised chickens, and cultivated grapes for house wine. Paco and Lola aims to modernize this tradition by providing winemaking expertise to their growers, embracing innovation while honoring their heritage.



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